At school the kids have color sticks that tell what their behavior has been like for the day. They all start on green and if they are good the whole day, they stay on green. If they have to be reminded many times for something then they have a "color change".
Olsin has been so proud of his two green dots he got the first two days of school!!! He insisted on showing me the second I saw him, not waiting until we got home. Yesterday, he jumped right on his bike and started to ride off without showing me his folder; that should've been my first clue. =)
When we got home and I did see his folder, he was upset about his yellow dot!!! I told him that I was still proud of him but he needed to listen to his teacher. He insisted that I was not proud of him. =(
This morning, he didn't want to go to school. I couldn't figure out what was going on and then he admitted he was afraid to get another yellow dot. I am so glad that he cares and that he is going to try harder today to make sure he brings home a green dot!!!
I really hope so! I can't stand to see that little boy's sad face, especially when he's disappointed in himself!
Go for the green, Olsin!!!